Sparrow.ps1检测Azure Microsoft 365上恶意活动的工具

Sparrow.ps1检测Azure Microsoft 365上恶意活动的工具

CISA发布Sparrow.ps1工具,用于检测Azure,Microsoft 365上的恶意活动.

美国国土安全部的网络安全和基础结构安全局(CISA)在Github上发布了一个新工具,可以帮助网络管理员保护Microsoft 365和Azure上的数据安全。

就像任何云工具一样,Microsoft Azure也很容易受到攻击,因为它很容易在线。此外,由于许多知名公司和政府机构都在使用它,因此它的脆弱性对该组织的数据和其他资源构成了巨大威胁。



Sparrow.ps1由CISA的Cloud Forensics团队创建,旨在帮助检测Azure / m365环境中可能受到破坏的帐户和应用程序。该工具旨在供事件响应者使用,并着重于最近在多个部门中普遍存在的基于身份和身份验证的攻击的用户和应用程序活动的狭窄范围。它既不是全面的也不是详尽无遗的可用数据,并且旨在将一大组可用的调查模块和遥测范围缩小到针对联合身份源和应用程序的近期攻击所特有的模块。

Sparrow.ps1将检查并在分析机上安装所需的PowerShell模块,检查Azure / M365中的统一审核日志中是否存在某些危害指标(IoC),列出Azure AD域,并检查Azure服务主体及其Microsoft Graph API权限识别潜在的恶意活动。然后,该工具将数据输出到默认目录中的多个CSV文件中。


要运行Sparrow.ps1,并为其提供对租户的只读访问权限,必须具有以下AzureAD / m365权限。

  • Azure Active Directory:
    • 安全阅读器
  • 安全与合规中心:
    • 合规管理员
  • Exchange Online管理中心:为这些特定权限使用自定义组:
    • 邮件收件人
    • 安全组的创建和成员身份
    • 用户选项
    • 仅查看审核日志
    • 仅查看配置
    • 仅查看收件人

若要检查MailItemsAccessed操作,您的租户组织需要Office 365或Microsoft 365 E5 / G5许可证。

Sparrow.ps1检测Azure Microsoft 365上恶意活动的工具







Function Check-PSModules{


    $ModuleArray = @("CloudConnect","AzureAD","MSOnline")

    ForEach ($ReqModule in $ModuleArray){
        If ($null -eq (Get-Module $ReqModule -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
            Write-Verbose "Required module, $ReqModule, is not installed on the system."
            Write-Verbose "Installing $ReqModule from default repository"
            Install-Module -Name $ReqModule -Force
            Write-Verbose "Importing $ReqModule"
            Import-Module -Name $ReqModule
        } ElseIf ($null -eq (Get-Module $ReqModule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
            Write-Verbose "Importing $ReqModule"
            Import-Module -Name $ReqModule

    #If you want to change the default export directory, please change the $ExportDir value.
    #Otherwise, the default export is the user's home directory, Desktop folder, and ExportDir folder.
    $ExportDir = "$home\Desktop\ExportDir"
    If (!(Test-Path $ExportDir)){
        New-Item -Path $ExportDir -ItemType "Directory" -Force

Function Get-UALData {


    #Calling on CloudConnect to connect to the tenant's Exchange Online environment via PowerShell

    $EndDate = (Get-Date)
    #If you want to change the length of time, please edit the value in $StartDate accordingly
    #Example, if you want to only pull 45 days, the $StartDate value would be (Get-Date).AddDays(-45)
    $StartDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)

    $LicenseQuestion = Read-Host 'Do you have an Office 365/Microsoft 365 E5/G5 license? Y/N'
    Switch ($LicenseQuestion){
        Y {$LicenseAnswer = "Yes"}
        N {$LicenseAnswer = "No"}
    $AppIdQuestion = Read-Host 'Would you like to investigate a certain application? Y/N'
    Switch ($AppIdQuestion){
        Y {$AppIdInvestigation = "Yes"}
        N {$AppIdInvestigation = "No"}
    If ($AppIdInvestigation -eq "Yes"){
        $SusAppId = Read-Host "Enter the application's AppID to investigate"
    } Else{
        Write-Host "Skipping AppID investigation"
    #Searches for any modifications to the domain and federation settings on a tenant's domain
    Write-Verbose "Searching for 'Set domain authentication' and 'Set federation settings on domain' operations in the UAL."
    $DomainData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -RecordType AzureActiveDirectory -Operations "Set domain authentication","Set federation settings on domain" -ResultSize 5000 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as Domain_Operations_Export.csv
    Export-UALData -UALInput $DomainData -CsvName "Domain_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for any modifications or credential modifications to an application
    Write-Verbose "Searching for 'Update application' and 'Update application ? Certificates and secrets management' in the UAL."
    $AppData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -RecordType AzureActiveDirectory -Operations "Update application","Update application ? Certificates and secrets management" -ResultSize 5000 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as AppUpdate_Operations_Export.csv
    Export-UALData -UALInput $AppData -CsvName "AppUpdate_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for any modifications or credential modifications to a service principal
    Write-Verbose "Searching for 'Update service principal' and 'Add service principal credentials' in the UAL."
    $SpData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -RecordType AzureActiveDirectory -Operations "Update service principal","Add service principal credentials" -ResultSize 5000 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as ServicePrincipal_Operations_Export.csv   
    Export-UALData -UALInput $SpData -CsvName "ServicePrincipal_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for any app role assignments to service principals, users, and groups
    Write-Verbose "Searching for 'Add app role assignment to service principal', 'Add app role assignment grant to user', and 'Add app role assignment to group' in the UAL."
    $AppRoleData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -RecordType AzureActiveDirectory -Operations "Add app role assignment" -ResultSize 5000 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as AppRoleAssignment_Operations_Export.csv      
    Export-UALData -UALInput $AppRoleData -CsvName "AppRoleAssignment_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for any OAuth or application consents
    Write-Verbose "Searching for 'Add OAuth2PermissionGrant' and 'Consent to application' in the UAL."
    $ConsentData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -RecordType AzureActiveDirectory -Operations "Add OAuth2PermissionGrant","Consent to application" -ResultSize 5000 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as Consent_Operations_Export.csv       
    Export-UALData -UALInput $ConsentData -CsvName "Consent_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for SAML token usage anomaly (UserAuthenticationValue of 16457) in the Unified Audit Logs
    Write-Verbose "Searching for 16457 in UserLoggedIn and UserLoginFailed operations in the UAL."
    $SAMLData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Operations "UserLoggedIn","UserLoginFailed" -ResultSize 5000 -FreeText "16457" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as SAMLToken_Operations_Export.csv      
    Export-UALData -UALInput $SAMLData -CsvName "SAMLToken_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for PowerShell logins into mailboxes
    Write-Verbose "Searching for PowerShell logins into mailboxes in the UAL."
    $PSMailboxData = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ResultSize 5000 -Operations "MailboxLogin" -FreeText "Powershell" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as PSMailbox_Operations_Export.csv      
    Export-UALData -UALInput $PSMailboxData -CsvName "PSMailbox_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "EXO2"

    #Searches for well-known AppID for Exchange Online PowerShell
    Write-Verbose "Searching for PowerShell logins using known PS application ids in the UAL."
    $PSLoginData1 = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ResultSize 5000  -FreeText "a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
    #By default, it will show up as PSLogin_Operations_Export.csv  
    Export-UALData -UALInput $PSLoginData1 -CsvName "PSLogin_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD"

    #Searches for well-known AppID for PowerShell
    $PSLoginData2 = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ResultSize 5000  -FreeText "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #The resultant CSV will be appended with the $PSLoginData* resultant CSV.
    #If you want a separate CSV with a different name, remove the -AppendType parameter (-AppendType "Append")
    #By default, it will show up as part of the PSLogin_Operations_Export.csv  
    Export-UALData -UALInput $PSLoginData2 -CsvName "PSLogin_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD" -AppendType "Append"

    #Searches for WinRM useragent string in the user logged in and user login failed operations
    $PSLoginData3 = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ResultSize 5000 -Operations "UserLoggedIn","UserLoginFailed" -FreeText "WinRM" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
    #The resultant CSV will be appended with the $PSLoginData* resultant CSV.
    #If you want a separate CSV with a different name, remove the -AppendType parameter (-AppendType "Append")
    #By default, it will show up as part of the PSLogin_Operations_Export.csv 
    Export-UALData -UALInput $PSLoginData3 -CsvName "PSLogin_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "AAD" -AppendType "Append"

    If ($AppIdInvestigation -eq "Yes"){
        If ($LicenseAnswer -eq "Yes"){
            #Searches for the AppID to see if it accessed mail items.
            Write-Verbose "Searching for $SusAppId in the MailItemsAccessed operation in the UAL."
            $SusMailItems = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Operations "MailItemsAccessed" -ResultSize 5000 -FreeText $SusAppId -Verbose | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
            #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
            #By default, it will show up as MailItems_Operations_Export.csv  
            Export-UALData -UALInput $SusMailItems -CsvName "MailItems_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "EXO"
        } else {
             Write-Host "MailItemsAccessed query will be skipped as it is not present without an E5/G5 license."

        #Searches for the AppID to see if it accessed Sharepoint or OneDrive items
        Write-Verbose "Searching for $SusAppId in the FileAccessed and FileAccessedExtended operations in the UAL."
        $SusFileItems = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Operations "FileAccessed","FileAccessedExtended" -ResultSize 5000 -FreeText $SusAppId -Verbose | Select-Object -ExpandProperty AuditData | Convertfrom-Json
        #You can modify the resultant CSV output by changing the -CsvName parameter
        #By default, it will show up as FileItems_Operations_Export.csv  
        Export-UALData -UALInput $SusFileItems -CsvName "FileItems_Operations_Export" -WorkloadType "Sharepoint"

Function Get-AzureDomains{


    #Connect to AzureAD

    $DomainData = Get-AzureADDomain
    $DomainArr = @()
    ForEach ($Domain in $DomainData){
        $DomainProps = [ordered]@{
            AuthenticationType = $Domain.AuthenticationType
            AvailabilityStatus = $Domain.AvailabilityStatus
            ForceDeleteState = $Domain.ForceDeleteState
            IsAdminManaged = $Domain.IsAdminManaged
            IsDefault = $Domain.IsDefault
            IsInitial = $Domain.IsInitial
            IsRoot = $Domain.IsRoot
            IsVerified = $Domain.IsVerified
            Name = $Domain.Name
            State = $Domain.State
            SupportedServices = ($Domain.SupportedServices -join ';')
        $DomainObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DomainProps
        $DomainArr += $DomainObj
    $DomainArr | Export-Csv $home\Desktop\ExportDir\Domain_List.csv -NoTypeInformation

Function Get-AzureSPAppRoles{


    #Connect to your tenant's AzureAD environment

    #Retrieve all service principals that are applications
    $SPArr = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | Where-Object {$_.ServicePrincipalType -eq "Application"}

    #Retrieve all service principals that have a display name of Microsoft Graph
    $GraphSP = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq "Microsoft Graph"}

    $GraphAppRoles = $GraphSP.AppRoles | Select -Property AllowedMemberTypes, Id, Value

    $AppRolesArr = @()
    Foreach ($SP in $SPArr) {
        $GraphResource = Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignedTo -ObjectId $SP.ObjectId | Where-Object {$_.ResourceDisplayName -eq "Microsoft Graph"}
        ForEach ($GraphObj in $GraphResource){
            For ($i=0; $i -lt $GraphAppRoles.Count; $i++){
                if ($GraphAppRoles[$i].Id -eq $GraphObj.Id) {
                    $ListProps = [ordered]@{
                        ApplicationDisplayName = $GraphObj.PrincipalDisplayName
                        ClientID = $GraphObj.PrincipalId
                        Value = $GraphAppRoles[$i].Value
            $ListObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ListProps
            $AppRolesArr += $ListObj 
    #If you want to change the default export directory, please change the $home\Desktop\ExportDir value.
    #Otherwise, the default export is the user's home directory, Desktop folder, and ExportDir folder.
    #You can change the name of the CSV as well, the default name is "ApplicationGraphPermissions"
    $AppRolesArr | Export-Csv $home\Desktop\ExportDir\ApplicationGraphPermissions.csv -NoTypeInformation

Function Export-UALData {

        $DataArr = @()
        If ($WorkloadType -eq "AAD") {
            ForEach ($Data in $UALInput){
                $DataProps = [ordered]@{
                    CreationTime = $Data.CreationTime
                    Id = $Data.Id
                    Operation = $Data.Operation
                    Organization = $Data.Organization
                    RecordType = $Data.RecordType
                    ResultStatus = $Data.ResultStatus
                    LogonError = $Data.LogonError
                    UserKey = $Data.UserKey
                    UserType = $Data.UserType
                    Version = $Data.Version
                    Workload = $Data.Workload
                    ClientIP = $Data.ClientIP
                    ObjectId = $Data.ObjectId
                    UserId = $Data.UserId
                    AzureActiveDirectoryEventType = $Data.AzureActiveDirectoryEventType
                    ExtendedProperties = ($Data.ExtendedProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-String).Trim()
                    ModifiedProperties = (($Data.ModifiedProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Compress) -replace "\\r\\n" | Out-String).Trim()
                    Actor = ($Data.Actor | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-String).Trim()
                    ActorContextId = $Data.ActorContextId
                    ActorIpAddress = $Data.ActorIpAddress
                    InterSystemsId = $Data.InterSystemsId
                    IntraSystemId = $Data.IntraSystemId
                    SupportTicketId = $Data.SupportTicketId
                    Target = ($Data.Target | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-String).Trim()
                    TargetContextId = $Data.TargetContextId
                $DataObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DataProps
                $DataArr += $DataObj           
        } elseif ($WorkloadType -eq "EXO"){
            ForEach ($Data in $UALInput){
                $DataProps = [ordered]@{
                    CreationTime = $Data.CreationTime
                    Id = $Data.Id
                    Operation = $Data.Operation
                    OrganizationId = $Data.OrganizationId
                    RecordType = $Data.RecordType
                    ResultStatus = $Data.ResultStatus
                    UserKey = $Data.UserKey
                    UserType = $Data.UserType
                    Version = $Data.Version
                    Workload = $Data.Workload
                    UserId = $Data.UserId
                    AppId = $Data.AppId
                    ClientAppId = $Data.ClientAppId
                    ClientIPAddress = $Data.ClientIPAddress
                    ClientInfoString = $Data.ClientInfoString
                    ExternalAccess = $Data.ExternalAccess
                    InternalLogonType = $Data.InternalLogonType
                    LogonType = $Data.LogonType
                    LogonUserSid = $Data.LogonUserSid
                    MailboxGuid = $Data.MailboxGuid
                    MailboxOwnerSid = $Data.MailboxOwnerSid
                    MailboxOwnerUPN = $Data.MailboxOwnerUPN
                    OperationProperties = ($Data.OperationProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-String).Trim()
                    OrganizationName = $Data.OrganizationName
                    OriginatingServer = $Data.OriginatingServer
                    Folders = ((($Data.Folders | ConvertTo-Json -Compress).replace("\u003c","")).replace("\u003e","")  | Out-String).Trim()
                    OperationCount = $Data.OperationCount
                $DataObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DataProps
                $DataArr += $DataObj           
        } elseif ($WorkloadType -eq "EXO2"){
            ForEach ($Data in $UALInput){
                $DataProps = [ordered]@{
                    CreationTime = $Data.CreationTime
                    Id = $Data.Id
                    Operation = $Data.Operation
                    OrganizationId = $Data.OrganizationId
                    RecordType = $Data.RecordType
                    ResultStatus = $Data.ResultStatus
                    UserKey = $Data.UserKey
                    UserType = $Data.UserType
                    Version = $Data.Version
                    Workload = $Data.Workload
                    ClientIP = $Data.ClientIP
                    UserId = $Data.UserId
                    ClientIPAddress = $Data.ClientIPAddress
                    ClientInfoString = $Data.ClientInfoString
                    ExternalAccess = $Data.ExternalAccess
                    InternalLogonType = $Data.InternalLogonType
                    LogonType = $Data.LogonType
                    LogonUserSid = $Data.LogonUserSid
                    MailboxGuid = $Data.MailboxGuid
                    MailboxOwnerSid = $Data.MailboxOwnerSid
                    MailboxOwnerUPN = $Data.MailboxOwnerUPN
                    OrganizationName = $Data.OrganizationName
                    OriginatingServer = $Data.OriginatingServer
                $DataObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DataProps
                $DataArr += $DataObj           
        } elseif ($WorkloadType -eq "Sharepoint"){
            ForEach ($Data in $UALInput){
                $DataProps = [ordered]@{
                    CreationTime = $Data.CreationTime
                    Id = $Data.Id
                    Operation = $Data.Operation
                    OrganizationId = $Data.OrganizationId
                    RecordType = $Data.RecordType
                    UserKey = $Data.UserKey
                    UserType = $Data.UserType
                    Version = $Data.Version
                    Workload = $Data.Workload
                    ClientIP = $Data.ClientIP
                    ObjectId = $Data.ObjectId
                    UserId = $Data.UserId
                    ApplicationId = $Data.ApplicationId
                    CorrelationId = $Data.CorrelationId
                    EventSource = $Data.EventSource
                    ItemType = $Data.ItemType
                    ListId = $Data.ListId
                    ListItemUniqueId = $Data.ListItemUniqueId
                    Site = $Data.Site
                    UserAgent = $Data.UserAgent
                    WebId = $Data.WebId
                    HighPriorityMediaProcessing = $Data.HighPriorityMediaProcessing
                    SourceFileExtension = $Data.SourceFileExtension
                    SiteUrl = $Data.SiteUrl
                    SourceFileName = $Data.SourceFileName
                    SourceRelativeUrl = $Data.SourceRelativeUrl
                $DataObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DataProps
                $DataArr += $DataObj
        If ($AppendType -eq "Append"){
            $DataArr | Export-csv $home\Desktop\ExportDir\$CsvName.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
        } Else {
            $DataArr | Export-csv $home\Desktop\ExportDir\$CsvName.csv -NoTypeInformation
        Remove-Variable UALInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable Data -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable DataObj -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable DataProps -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Remove-Variable DataArr -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#Function calls, if you do not need a particular check, you can comment it out below with #
Check-PSModules -Verbose
Get-UALData -Verbose
Get-AzureDomains -Verbose
Get-AzureSPAppRoles -Verbose


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