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TorLinks | .onion Link List
Commercial Links
TorLinks is a moderated replacement for The Hidden Wiki, and serves as a link or url list of Tor hidden services.
Feel free to copy this deep web link list directory to your website to make others aware of the darknet.
We regulary update the tor onion sites on this site.
Financial ServicesCommercial Links
EasyCoin | EasyCoin Bitcoin Wallet, now with free Bitcoin Mixer!
WeBuyBitcoins | Sell your Bitcoins for Cash (USD), ACH, WU/MG, LR, PayPal and more
HQER | High quality euro bills replicas / counterfeits
USD Counterfeits | High quality USD counterfeits
OnionWallet | Anonymous Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin Laundry
ServicesCommercial Links 暗网网址
TorShops | Create your own .onion store with full bitcoin integration
OnionHosting | Secure hosting for .onion and/or i2p
Onion Identity Services | Selling Passports and ID-Cards
Rent-A-Hacker | Hacking, DDOS, Social Engeneering, Espionage, Ruining people
USA Citizenship | Become a citizen of the USA, real USA passport
Hitman Network | Group of contract killers in the US/Canada and the EU
UK Passports | Original UK Passports
USfakeIDs | High quality USA Fake Drivers Licenses
DrugsCommercial Links 暗网网址
EuCanna | ‘First Class Cannabis Healthcare’ – Medical Grade Cannabis Buds, Rick Simpson Oil, Ointments and Creams
Peoples Drug Store | The Darkweb’s Best Online Drug Supplier! Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Speed, Cannabis Prescriptions
Smokeables | Finest Organic Cannabis shipped from the USA
CannabisUK | UK Cannabis vendor, selling only organic weed
DeDope | German Weed Shop – Weed and Hash from Germany
BitPharma | EU vendor for cocaine, speed, mdma, psychedelics and subscriptions
Brainmagic | Best psychedelics on the darknet
NLGrowers | Coffee Shop grade Cannabis from the netherlands
Physical GoodsCommercial Links
Mobile Store | Factory unlocked iphones and other smartphones
UK Guns and Ammo | Selling Guns and Ammo from the UK for Bitcoins
Apples4Bitcoin | Cheap Apple Products for Bitcoin
EuroGuns | Your #1 european arms dealer
Digital GoodsCommercial Links
ccPal | CCs, CVV2s, Ebay, Paypals and more
EroticCommercial Links
Kamagra for Bitcoin | Same as Viagra, but cheaper! Ships from the UK.
bittit NSFW | Buy or sell original NSFW pictures for Bitcoins
Tor Sex Workers Review Board | For escorts, exotics, massage, etc
GamblingCommercial Links
Coming soon! Just need to find some which arent scams!
ServicesNon-Commercial Links
Tor link lists and search engines.
The Hidden Wiki | Wiki style link list of TOR, most links there are SCAMS!
TORDIR | Categorized link list of Tor, user submitted. Also a PM service
Sites Deep Web | A small list of onion links
Core.onion | Simple onion bootstrapping
TORCH | Tor Search Engine, claims to index around 1.1 Million pages
Deepsearch | Another search engine
OnionBookmark | Keep bookmarks private or share with public
InspecTor | List of bad Tor nodes with ExcludeNodes generator for torrc
TorJump | A one-click wrapper to make Tor more accessible to non tech-savvies
Welcome, We’ve been expecting you! | Links to basic encryption guides
Gateway | Tor <—-> I2p web proxy
Startbook | online management of your bookmarks/favorites
Email + Messaging
TorPM | Tor Private Messaging
SimplePM | A PM service by CWKU. No registration needed
GPF AnonymousWebservices | Proxies for I2P, mail, news, tor, web
GPF PrivacyBox | Private messaging service. Proxies for I2P, tor, web
Tor Mail | Webmail/SMTP/IMAP/POP3. Can send/receive mail from outside Tor with a [email protected] address
Remailer Reliability Stats | Mixmaster/Cypherpunk remailer stats
Newzbin | Crowdsourced Usenet index based in the UK
ChatRoom | AJAX based chat system, use any browser, no registration
EFG Chat | HTTP refresh chatrooms
Torbook | A way to make friends in onionland
ELIZA | Free pyschotherapy
n0id | n0id’s crypto identity and contact page
Narcan’s GPG key | Narcan’s GPG key
TorStatusNet | Twitter clone on tor
Hosting 暗网网址
The Onion Cloud | Tor/ownCloud based cloud, Login/Pass: public/public
CircleServices | Mixie’s place. Provides: Circle-Talk, TorPM, ImgZapr, SnapBBS, qPasteBin, AnonyShares, Circle-IRC
Anonyshares | File upload up to 10MB
qPasteBin | A pastebin
Onion Fileshare | 2GB Upload file size limit, upload any files you want
ES Simple Uploader | Upload images, docs and other files, 2 MB upload limit
IMGuru | Fast GIF/JPEG host. No images removed. If you get the error Invalid File, retry the upload
SquareBoard | Upload and share high quality images, moderated
sTORage | Upload files, has WebDAV support
Onion Image Uploader | Image Hosting, 2 MB upload limit, generates medium thumbnails
Freedom Hosting | Hosting Service with PHP/MySQL, as of 2011-06-04, it hosts about 50% of the live OnionWeb by onion
PasteOnion | Paste and share text, sources, whatever, you can make your paste public or set a password
QicPic | Upload any type of file, caches and compresses uploaded files to decrease loading time
HackingNon-Commercial Links
HackBB | Forums for hacking, carding, cracking, programming, anti-forensics, and other tech topics, includes a marketplace with escrow
Carders Forums | Ministry of Fraudulently Affairs
hashparty | Password hash cracking site
Polyfront #2nd | Tradecraft and security tutorials
OnionUserX Censor Page | Seriously, the fuck? Anyone mind reposting the original links?
The KMs Bird (WhiteHex) | School hacker
DeepSec | An annual European two-day in-depth conference on computer, network, and application security
BRAMA | Linux/Wireless/Mobile tech consortium in Poland
TM Comm | For a Chaotic Tomorrow
The KMs Bird (GreenBin) | School hacker
Shell In A Box | Shell In A Box
Requiem | Software for removing iTunes DRM
keys open doors | Mirror of geohot’s PS3 hacking tools
Speakeasy #2nd | Paper describing a highly-secured forum system (current version)
Crackwar | Pirates are the good guys!
Cycekkk | A browser exploit page using 302 mailto method. Tries to send bad words/links to Mr. Brejza
New Diceware Lists | Randomization for file names. Multiple lists, more to come
Speakeasy #1st | Paper describing a highly-secured forum system (old flawed version)
Onion Desktop | eyeOS web desktop
Dear PayPal], [http://pastebin.com/LAykd1es (clearnet) | AntiSec’s message
WarezNon-Commercial Links
OnionWarez | Warez forum
Weird and Wonderful Old Stuff | A collection of old DOS and Windows software
Lossless Audio Files | Mostly WavPack, some FLAC, Ape, ogg, etc. Has index generating links
FileshareZ | Filesharing forum, movies, music and tv-shows
Movies, Music, TV & Ebooks | user: webuser password: L0L******
OnionWarez | Warez forum
The Tor Library | 47 GB. pdf, chm, djvu. Design by Russebertene
Example rendezvous points page | Thomas Paine’s ”Common Sense” and ”The Federalist papers”
Destination Unknown | Small selection. Searchlores, Cryptonomicon, Thelema..
LiberaTor | Making weapons, military training, and related subjects
Free Bibliotheca Alexandrina | English, Spanish and German books
The Laughing Nihilist | Drugs + writing
Mister | Collection of writings, art, selected texts and deeply personal views on philosophy of existence
ParaZite | Collection of forbidden files and howto’s (pdf, txt, etc.)
EroticNon-Commercial Links 暗网网址
(Y)APE | Yet Another Porn Exchange
LustAdultery | Hardcore hot truth ladies and lust
Bug Tales | Site rip of bugtales.net from the Internet Archive. Homosexual bugchasing stories
Porn-Free | Free porn advice
Hard p0rn | forum | The harder the better
Penis Panic! | Dedicated to genital mutilation. The discussion board
Penis Panic! | Dedicated to genital mutilation. The pictures and videos
ForumsNon-Commercial Links 暗网网址
TheHiddenHand | SnapBBS, TheHiddenHand collective communication based on conspiracy, philosophy and uncensored information-currently seeking freedomhosting invite
Torchan | /b/, /i/, programming, revolution, tons of other boards
Anonchan | Boards: /b/”>- Random, /a/”>- Anime/Manga/NSFW
Hidden Image Site | HIS
Bobby’s board | Channel with currently only 2 boards but growing, about 75% uptime
Torduckin0 #1st | www.citadel.org Citadel, BBS with chat and IM to support
TriChan | Revived, now only has /txt/”>Textboard, /mlp/”>My Little Pony, and /b/”>Random
Circle-Talk | A board on the front page of CircleService
SnapBBS | The SnapBBS service
Onion Site Reviews | A site started 2011/11/19 made for the reviews of onion sites
TorTSE | A continuation of the infamous TOTSE forum which has existed since the late 80s covering almost every topic
TOR Free For All | Unmoderated area for political and other topics. Anything goes. Private board
Democrat Watch | Right-wing board dedicated to criticizing Democrats (registration required)
The Intel Exchange | Know or need to know something? Ask and share at this underground intelligence gathering network
LE+TOR Interchat | Law enforcement and Tor users can interact and share their opinions as humans
TOR Answers | Like Yahoo answers, but with a Tor twist
Paranomal Aliens n’ Shit | Discussion of the Paranormal, Aliens and Shit
Cafe at the End of the Internet | Feeling off-topic? Tech-oriented chill zone/meeting grounds for general talk
Esoteric and Occult | Dedicated to all forms of occultism
Crime Network | A place to network and get better at your craft
Demosthenes’ Board | Demosthenes’ Board
SnapBBS public board | The public SnapBBS board
Onionforum 2.0 | A restart of the popular Onionforum. No login required
What is your current Bitch? | Post your current gripe and/or bitch! Blow some steam off and you will feel better
Talk.Masked | Talks and Notes. 2nd generation
Torduckin0 #2nd | BBS with chat and IM to support
Anonymous BBS | Another variation of the talks style of board
OnionMe | Forum for personal ads. All ages welcome
Torduckin0 #3rd | BBS with chat and IM to support
Torduckin0 #4th | BBS with chat and IM to support
Leaf’s underground horticulture | Minimalist, multipurpose text boards. No login required
Torsquare | Anonymous board, shares posts and discussions with Torbook’s public square
HackBB | Forums for hacking, carding, cracking, programming, anti-forensics, and other tech topics. Also a marketplace with escrow
DOXBIN | DOX go here. A pastebin for personally identifiable information
Freeside | WHY WAIT? Leave the crazy at the door
Talk | Board, no pictures
RedditTor | Anonymous Reddit
MediaNon-Commercial Links 暗网网址
RespiraTOR | If something is infuriating you, it’s better to get it off your chest
Americans for Disparity | Exploring disparody
Tor and blosxom | A Tor hidden service running on the blosxom blogging platform
10 Step Guide to Bail Jumping | More about Jumping bail and fleeing the country
Gionn | Technology blog and news aggregator
My Hidden Blog | Security politics, security, tor, tools, personal
Tornado | Forum, blogs, polls, registered or anon posting
Cone’s lair #2nd | Yeesha. Back with Cone’s journal and some other stuff
True Anonymous Confessions | A confession service based on a bash clone
How to Get Away with Insider Trading | You always wondered why these guys were getting caught, now pull it off and make millions
Beat the Sex Offender Polygraph & Abel Assessment | Sex Offender? Here’s how to stay out and prevent re-convictions or get a better plea offer
Beneath VT | Information on the steam tunnels at Virginia Tech
Keep Bitcoin Real | Fuck the day traders, take Bitcoin back to its roots
The Human Experiment | Human medical experiments. We go, where few dare
Steal This Wiki mirror | Steal this wiki mirror, no editing, hosted at NoReason
PoliticalNon-Commercial Links
Heidenwut | Politics, Occultism, Spy vs Spy, Revolution!!
BuggedPlanet.Info | Information on Telecommunication Interception Companies + Installations
PURE EUROPE | Cleanse Europe of the dirt!
Keep Internet Open! | Small unofficial AnonOps site, currently instructing how to DDoS MasterCard and other WikiLeaks opponents
A website | Free speech advocacy. (About 50% uptime.)
paraZite #2nd | Illicit activities advocacy and censored information archive
House of Anonymous | Satirical manifesto regarding anonymous
The Movement of torism | New activist group organized in OnionSpace
Wake up Europe! | This is a call to arms!
Revolution Bunker | h3x’s blog on censorship, hacking, privacy, crypto, capitalism, war, corruption, etc
LoM’s Revolutionary Codex | Revolution/Subversive texts, forum soon, blog
Heidenwut | Politics, Occultism, Spy vs Spy, Revolution!!
Whistleblowing 暗网网址
See also http://wikileaks.org/ | WikiLeaks Official Site
A Cat’s Mirror of Wikileaks Cablegate site | Includes cables currently redacted or offline
WikiLeaks mirror #B | updates follow wikileaks.ch with up to 3 days delay
WikiLeaks mirror #A | WikiLeaks last push update to this mirror occurred 2011-03-06
Operation AntiSec
Texas Takedown Thursday: Chinga La Migra IV | AntiSec messes with Texas, attacks dozens of police systems and chief emails
Fuck FBI Friday: IACIS Cybercrime Investigator Communications | email dump including IACIS internal email list archives
HBGary Federal Attachment Dump | The HBGary email archive leaked by Anonymous
Taz Onion | onion version of leaks.taz.de | Mockup of another leak project, known as OpenLeaks
OthersNon-Commercial Links 暗网网址
Kenny | You killed Kenny! You’re a bastard!
DuckDuckGo | metasearch engine with heavy filtering
bugmenot@tor | A user supplied database of account credentials for various websites
The LG enV2 | Very basic information and photo gallery about a wireless digital messaging phone
thE LisT oF SQL data bases! | MySQL credentials archive. Hosted on this page
Questions and Answers | A little truth game. Ask questions and give answers anonymously. Answers also support image uploading
noreason | Info and pdf files on weapons, locks, survival, poisons, protesters, how to kill. Hidden Wiki, TorDir, Steal this wiki, Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau mirrors. Guro, dofantasy –Fansadox Collection
The Outlaw Project | “Free for all” links to various files and known .onion sites. Onion address hosted an FTP service
Non-EnglishNon-Commercial Links
Czech / Cetina
PirateLeaks.cz #2nd | Ceská obdoba WikiLeaks | Czech website based on Wikileaks
Danish / Dansk
DanishChan | Scandinavian focused imageboard. Boards include drugs and IT security as well as a Random board. Fast and clean layout, little downtime
drugs.dk | Danish Drug Trade
Dutch / Nederlands 暗网网址
Voetbalfan | Voetbalfan
Finnish / Suomi
Sipulilauta | A chan
Thorlauta | Successor to Torlauta
Blue Quarters | Advice regarding to BitCoins, Silk Road Online, ordering anonymously, staying anonymous in deepweb etc
Blue Quarters Forum | Discussion forum
Suojeluskunta | White Power Forum
French / Français
Hmm? | A French board
Je suis Kalila | Weird website
German / Deutsch
Das ist DEUTSCHLAND hier | discussion forum with no specific topic
TAZ Archiv | A daily updated archive of the TAZ (German newspaper) starting from 2009-05 maybe with some days missing
Hmm? | Forum for warez and uncensored talk
beaglesnoop | Website and blog
Pyrowiki | Pyrotechnics and drug wiki
Geheimkanal | Imageboard. (Partially 18+)
Safety101 | Computer saftey board. Some English
Jailbait Sex Forum | Jailbait Sex Forum
Flachbrustkanal | Brett für flache Brüste
Samim.onion | Selling and shipping of drugs and medicine in Israel (Bitcoin)
Polish / Polski 暗网网址
Torowisko | Forum Polskiej Spolecznosci Tor. Nowe ogólnotematyczne forum bez rejestracji i cenzury. Godny Nastepca Onionforum, juz z ponad 8000 postami (codziennie przybywaja nowe!)
Fundacja Panoptykon | panoptykon.org | Strona fundacji przeciwstawiajacej sie coraz powszechniejszej inwigilacji oraz tendencjom nasilania nadzoru i kontroli nad spoleczenstwem
George Orwell | polskie tlumaczenie znanej powiesci
Polska Ukryta Wiki | PUW, wiki polskiej spolecznosci Tor
Backup NWO | wybór najciekawszych stron i artykulów dot. nowego porzadku swiata i tematów pokrewnych
Ksiega Urantii | czyli kolejna, jedynie sluszna prawda, komus tam objawiona
Krzysztof Brejza | malo zabawna imitacja strony jednego z poslów PO
Polska Cebulka | blog i zbiór linków dot. polskich zasobów sieci Tor
Polska ukryta strona w sieci Tor | przykladowa strona
Torkazywarka | http://nemlq3kd36frgvzp.onion/forum/ Forum Przekrety , praktycznie martwe forum, w zalozeniu o przekretach, broni i hackingu
TorKnight | wielotematyczne forum wymagajace rejestracji
56 Dog Days | Ramblings
Onioon Search | Polska wyszukiwarka stron .onion | kazdy moze dodac swój strone do katalogu wyszukiwarki
Slovak / Slovenský
Detská pornografia: Je to len zámienka | Preco je boj proti detskej pornografii zámienkou pre nieco iné
Spanish / Español 暗网网址
Abusos | Abusos judiciales en España
T0rtilla | Shoutox webchat
CebollaChan | CebollaChan, el tor-chan en Castellano
T0rtilla | Shoutbox webchat. (Direct FH URL)
Forocoches 2.0 | Torocoches | Forocoches 2.0
Swedish / Svenska 暗网网址
Moral.Nu | Vad är moral?
KognitionsKyrkan | Spiritual stuff
ZG Projektet | ZG Projektet